Full Time

Front-End Engineer – Remote Jobs

Posted 5 months ago
$121 - $249 per hour

Job Description

Job Type: Distinguished Engineer from home
Location: Boston work from home
Company: Pinterest

Leading our engineering teams, fostering innovation, and determining the technological path of our platform are all critical responsibilities of a Distinguished Engineer at Pinterest. Being at the forefront of creating innovative solutions that affect millions of users will be your responsibility.


  • Give executive leadership advice on intricate, multifaceted business issues that have an impact on cross-organizational technology.
  • Encourage an excellence-oriented culture inside engineering teams by acting as a technical mentor and role model.
  • Create ground-breaking ideas that will have an international influence on business, and foresee upcoming technological prospects.
  • Act as a strategist to convert concepts and inventions into results, influencing and advancing goals throughout Pinterest.
  • Utilize the variety of perspectives, backgrounds, and experiences held by Pinployees by integrating systems and procedures that foster teamwork and development throughout Pinterest.
  • Integrate velocity into Pinterest to help teams concentrate on finishing the most crucial tasks and to mobilize the organization by removing roadblocks.


  • A track record of success in a tech company as a distinguished engineer, fellow, or in a related capacity.
  • Regarded as a trailblazer and esteemed technical expert in the field, frequently on a worldwide scale, necessitating in-depth knowledge of cutting-edge ideas and technology.
  • While keeping up with industry advances, trends, and practices, deep technical experience and thought leadership assist speed up the adoption of the best engineering methods.
  • Capacity to influence and interact with important stakeholders at all organizational levels within the company.
  • Experience working as a partner on projects with a major worldwide impact with cross-functional project teams.
  • Excellent analytical and problem-solving abilities.